RARE: Sri Lanka

25% of profits from the sales of the 'Wandering Giant' collection will go to RARE. Rally for Animal Rights & Environment

What Do 'RARE' Do?

25% of profits from our Elephant design will go to RARE. 'Rally for Animal Rights & Environment' is a popular animal rights group in Sri Lanka that is very famous for its advocacy towards elephants.

The work they do are as follows;

  • Changing society's views on animals
  • Exposing cruelty to animals including wild and captive elephants
  • Standing up for the rights of animals
  • Educating the public on what is right and wrong in regards to the animal's welfare
  • Rescue campaigns for captive elephants
  • Taking perpetrators to court
  • Conducting welfare projects
  • Communication with Authorities and Government representatives to bring about system change in regards to lobbying, in order to bring about system change.

At the moment, RARE functions as a personal action group using social media, the organisation is in the process of registration as a Non-Profit Organisation. Donations will be made to the RARE's good work, without needing to wait until this period.

Best Sellers

Wandering Giant. Hoodie
Wandering Giant. Hoodie

Wandering Giant. Hoodie

Wandering Giant. T Shirt
Wandering Giant. T Shirt

Wandering Giant. T Shirt

Wandering Giant. T Shirt
Wandering Giant. T Shirt

Wandering Giant. T Shirt

Why Are We Supporting RARE?

Elephant mothers are killed when the calves are stolen. Elephants are used as slaves and worked to death for the name of tourism. Elephants are dying from eating plastic waste at dumpsites, in areas like Pallakkadu village in the Ampara district, due to deforestation causing the animal to look for food elsewhere.

Elephants are trafficked. Elephants are beaten and abused. All of this for human gain. It’s not a secret that these beautiful creatures are brutally abused. It's disturbing behaviour towards such a beautiful creature.

Join us, our psychedelic elephant design, created for RARE, is one of the first designs RooDoo created and one we think is very special. The cause is special too.

Corruption, ineffective laws, weak judicial systems, lack of enforcement of wildlife law, and light sentences allow criminal networks to keep plundering wildlife with little regard for the consequences.

Help us defend them. Elephants are persecuted with poisons, fire, lethal traps, and electricity amongst other disturbing methods. This is despicable.

Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC) is a major socio-economic, conservation and political issue in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is considered to have one of the worst cases of Human Elephant Conflict situations in the world.

With the rise in the human population, increasing HEC, deforestation, habitat fragmentation & degradation, Sri Lanka’s elephant population, Elephas maximus maximus, now considered to be endangered by IUCN, are in grave danger of being wiped out completely from Sri Lanka.

70% of elephant range is in areas with resident people. Currently there are resident people in 82% of Sri Lanka’s lands, elephants are found in 62% of the land and in 44% of the land elephants and people live in the same landscape. Assuming there are around 6,000 elephants in Sri Lanka, over 4,000 elephants are likely to use areas with people.

A Glimpse of The Men's





A Glimpse of The Women's


